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TOKYO SMILE VEGGIESは、TOKYOを訪れる人に、誰もが安心して楽しく食の選択ができるよう、ベジ食の普及活動を展開していきます。

Bring The Art of Services, “Omotenashi” hospitality, for Vegetarians to TOKYO

TOKYO is a metropolitan city welcoming a great number of foreigners, but it lags way behind foreign cities in a variation of vegetarian meals available at local restaurants and/or delis. The number of vegetarians is ever increasing and vegetarian meals are mostly available at restaurants all over the world today while vegetarianism itself is still unfamiliar to Japanese people.

“Vegetarians and non-vegetarians sitting around a table and enjoying the meals together” – this is the picture of Tokyo we, TOKYO SMILE VEGGIES, want to achieve. Our goal is not to simply increase the number of vegetarians but to support local restaurants and/or delis to add a variety of vegetarian meals to their menus as we believe their high-quality “omotenashi” services are flexible services for quests with different food cultures and/or backgrounds.


“Vegetarians and non-vegetarians sitting around a table and enjoying the meals together” – this is the picture of Tokyo we, TOKYO SMILE VEGGIES, want to achieve. Our goal is not to simply increase the number of vegetarians but to support local restaurants and/or delis to add a variety of vegetarian meals to their menus as we believe their high-quality “omotenashi” services are flexible services for quests with different food cultures and/or backgrounds.

TOKYO SMILE VEGGIES devotes to popularize vegetarian meals so as for people visiting Tokyo to choose what to eat safely and pleasantly.


千葉 芽弓

​Chiba Miyumi



About us









その実現によって「日本を訪れるベジタリアン外国人にも、日本の食を存分に楽しんでもらいたいね」という想いを持ち、Tokyo Smile Veggiesを立ち上げることになりました。

The Beginning

All the members of TOKYO SMILE VEGGIES prefer vegetable cuisines for different reasons but what we share the common feeling of inconvenience of “where to dine out”. A group of vegetarians, namely people preferring vegetable cuisines, can freely dine out as they share similar food preferences; however, a group of vegetarians and non-vegetarians are likely to looking out for each other to determine where to dine out, making a narrower opportunity for them to dine out.

Another inconvenience occurs when to welcome vegetarian guests from overseas; it is not easy for local hosts to find restaurants with vegetarian meals available.

The Japan Tourism Agency announced the results of a survey on the consumption trends of foreign visitors to Japan from April to June 2014. According to the survey, overall travel expenses for foreign visitors to Japan during the period was 487.4 billion yen, marked the largest with an increase of 32.6% compared to the same period in the previous year. The number of foreign visitors reached a record of 10 million in 2013, and the Japanese Government is currently carrying out promotion activities to achieve 20 million foreign visitors as early as 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

TOKYO SMILE VEGGIES reached a conclusion that vegetarian menus should be seriously required at local restaurants and/or delis by 2020. A survey says that 5% of the foreigners visited to Japan in 2013 were vegetarians.

TOKYO SMILE VEGGIES was established with both our past experiences and our pictures of new Tokyo – “vegetarian menus are always available at local restaurants and/or delis,” “vegetarians and non-vegetarians enjoy sitting around the same table” and “vegetarians visiting from overseas have a variety of selections to enjoy Japanese cuisines.”

We hope we could deliver our own “Omotenashi” hospitality to vegetarians visiting from overseas through supporting local restaurants and/or delis to offer vegetarian meals.




TOKYO SMILE VEGGIESでは、主に東京の飲食店様向けに「ベジ食が体験できる交流イベント」「各種講演会や勉強会」「個別メニュー指導・サポート」を行っていく予定です。











TOKYO SMILE VEGGIES provides “hands-on networking events for vegetarian meals,” “lectures & seminars” and “special advice & support on menus” to restaurants in Tokyo.

Networking events
 We hold networking events where you can enjoy eating vegetarian meals.

Lectures & seminars
 We hold lectures and seminars on vegetarian meals – we invite guest speakers to enhance the events.

Special advice
 We give restaurants suggestions on ingredients and recipes to add vegetarian meals to current menu.

Advertisement support
 We support restaurants with vegetarian meals available to run advertisements

 on magazines targeting foreigners.






Describe what you offer here. add a few choice words and a stunning pic to tantalize your audience and leave them hungry for more.

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© 2020 All rights reserved by TokyoSmileVeggies

◆Plan Do See様向け食の多様性対応セミナー

◆木と水と土と メニュープロデュース

◆The Vegetarian Chance Japan 実行委員

◆農林水産省 フードテック研究会メンバー

◆Vege for Peaceメンバーとしてベジの飲食店支援クラウドファウンディング実施⇒達成

◆プラントベース・ヴィーガンオススメガイド「TRY VEGAN!」の総合監修

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